A Journey on the Mekong

A Journey on the Mekong


A Journey on the Mekong

15 Days Starting and ending in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Visiting: Ho Chi Minh City, Mỹ Tho, Cái Bè District, Tân Châu, Phnom Penh, Chong Koh Village, Wat Phnom Daun Penh, Angkor Ban, Krong Kampong Cham, Krong Siem Reap, Angkor Wat

Tour operator:

Riviera Travel

Guide Type:

Fully Guided

Ship Capacity:


Physical rating:


Age range:


Tour operated in:


Trip Styles:

River Cruise


Cultural, History

This tour is no longer available

Tour Overview

Cruise along the mighty Mekong River through the heart of South East Asia. Step back in time as our journey unfolds through stunning countryside: farmers with conical hats work in fields that disappear into the distance, whilst water buffalo plough the paddies until the sun sets in a blood-red explosion of colour. Observe riverside life and the wooden houses balancing on stilts, as giggling children watch us go by.  

We visit Cambodia and Siem Reap, gateway to one of the great wonders of the world - Angkor, once the world's largest city with a staggering one million inhabitants and an incredible 200 temples. We also stay in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, beautifully located at the confluence of the Mekong and Tonle Sap and considered the most beautiful of the 'French' colonial cities of Indochina.

In Vietnam, the people and landscape are different, and the pace of life is faster. See the legacies of past rulers - the Chinese, Khmers, Portuguese, Japanese and French - in an eclectic mix of temples and pagodas, along with palaces, mansions and neo-classical buildings. Today, the motorcycles and western dress of the industrious youth happily co-exist with orange-clad Buddhist monks and political posters from a bygone era. Now is the time to visit these captivating and colourful destinations while so much of this distinctive heritage remains; and the best way to experience them is from the beautiful arterial waterway, the stunning Mekong River. 


  • Happy by day two or we'll bring you home with a full refund

  • Stay in the heart of Saigon with its bustling waterfront and French colonial architecture

  • Gaze in awe at the magnificent city and temples of Angkor, one of Asia’s greatest ancient sights

  • Tour Phnom Penh, the ‘Paris of the East’, with its golden temples and palaces

  • See the fascinating Cu-Chi tunnels, a poignant reminder of the US-Vietnam conflict

  • Visit local communities to discover their unique way of life, unchanged in centuries

  • Enjoy delicious Vietnamese and Cambodian cuisine

Places You'll See

A Journey On The Mekong

A Journey On The Mekong

A Journey On The Mekong

A Journey On The Mekong

A Journey On The Mekong

A Journey On The Mekong


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Day 1 : Departure


Location: Ho Chi Minh City

You should arrive at the airport for your overnight flight to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

Day 2 : Arrival In Saigon


Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Accommodation: Hotel

Accommodation Name: four-star superior Pullman Saigon Centre

Meals Included: Breakfast

After your morning arrival you will be met and transferred to the four-star superior Pullman Saigon Centre to stay for two nights with breakfast. Breakfast is available at the hotel this morning after checking in. 

We’ll take an introductory tour of the city. Highlights include the Reunification Palace where famously in 1975, a tank burst through its gates in the final defining moment of the Vietnam War. We also see the War Remnants Museum and the lively Ben Thanh market - a fascinating insight into Saigon's daily life, you can find anything here, all at extremely good prices! The colonial-style central post office is a marvellous photo opportunity. The rest of the day is at leisure.

Day 3 : Saigon


Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Accommodation: Hotel

Accommodation Name: four-star superior Pullman Saigon Centre

Meals Included: Breakfast

This will be a day to remember. We visit the famous Cu Chi tunnels, a complex underground network stretching for 124 miles, which included hospitals, meeting rooms, sleeping quarters and kitchens. Begun during the last years of French rule and vastly expanded during the 1960s, the tunnels provided a base for the Vietcong from which to attack US forces within just 30 miles of Saigon. Our visit here is a fascinating insight into these troubled times: we see the tunnels themselves and examples of the many mantraps and stake pits which protected them. Despite being carpetbombed, the tunnels were never really penetrated and should you wish, you may even try out real period weapons on a firing range. We continue through rural farming communities back to Saigon in the afternoon.

Day 4 : Board The Ship

Location: Mỹ Tho

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Expectations rise during our drive to the Mekong Delta, its coconut groves swaying with the breeze, the countryside studded with pagodas and an amazing network of paddy fields, tended by farmers bent double and almost completely covered by their iconic conical hats; these are some of Vietnam’s most enduring images. Originally called Mae Khong, ‘Mother of all Rivers’, huge volumes of water drain from the hinterland plains and the snow-clad Chinese Himalayas, surging along an epic 3,000-mile journey. Life here revolves around its waterways: the imposing sampans so typical of South East Asia for hundreds of years and the quintessential floating markets of longboats, which almost sink under the groaning weight of colourful vegetables.

Your cruise is the perfect way to discover and understand this fascinating and rapidly emerging corner of the world – a serene experience immersing you in its people and customs at a wonderfully gentle pace. After a stop at the picturesque Cholon market and a lacquer workshop, you board the superb four-star RV Mekong Prestige II. Your highly professional crew, imbibed by the unique service ethic you find everywhere here, ensure you settle in to your spacious and beautifully appointed cabin. After an excellent lunch, your journey begins. A wonderful reality soon sinks in with your first glimpses of the amazing stilted villages and teeming river traffic animating the scene seemingly at every turn. As darkness gently falls, take your seat in the restaurant for your first dinner, offering a choice of superbly executed Vietnamese or Cambodian cuisine or international classics.

The excellent cuisine is accompanied by tasty and included local wines, beers or soft drinks. Mooring at Cai Be, the day ends with a lovely performance of traditional Mekong music and perhaps a nightcap in the balmy late evening air, bathed by the unmistakable sounds of the East.

Day 5 : Cao Dai Temple

Location: Cái Bè District

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning we sail by local junk along Cai Be’s waterfront and amazing floating market, where wily sellers dangle their wares from long poles to the myriad of smaller boats in a vibrant riot of colour and noisy bartering. We visit the remarkable French Gothic cathedral, a poignant reminder of Vietnam’s colonial past. This afternoon we cruise through Vinh Long to Sa Dec with a guided stroll through the colourful local market – an interesting comparison with this morning. The highlight of the day is the intriguing Cao Dai Temple, centre of a unique indigenous religion, a fascinating combination of Taoism, Buddhism and Chinese Confucianism plus elements of Christianity, Islam and spiritualism. Bizarrely, its saints include Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Shakespeare and Winston Churchill! The temple itself is a striking combination of western and oriental architectural styles and mesmerising brightly coloured statues, overlooked by the religion’s all-seeing Divine Eye – it’s sure to leave you something to ponder after your visit.

Another tropical night atmospherically falls as we cruise upstream whilst enjoying another superb dinner and the kaleidoscope of truly amazing sights, sounds and scents, accompanied by the gentle waters lapping peacefully against the hull.

Day 6 : Tan Chau

Location: Tân Châu

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

One of the great pleasures of river cruising is waking up somewhere completely different, and as dawn breaks, we are berthed in remote Tan Chau near Cambodia. One of the delights of Vietnam is that so many cottage industries still thrive, offering a fascinating insight into the past. This morning we explore Tan Chau, Vietnam’s leading silk centre producing extremely high quality and truly beautiful naturally dyed clothes. Slipping our moorings, Vietnam slowly recedes as we cross into Cambodia and continue into the evening with a chance to enjoy pre-dinner drinks in the lounge, before another tasty dinner. Take a stroll outside, look above and be dazzled by the luminosity of an amazing night sky, unfettered by streetlights and advertising as we cruise to Phnom Penh.

Day 7 : Phnom Penh


Location: Phnom Penh

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Called the ‘Paris of the East’ during colonial times, Phnom Penh has preserved much of its wonderful rustic charm, elegance and French allure. Sightseeing includes an exciting cyclerickshaw ride to the dazzling Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda, followed by a chance to witness exceptionally beautiful Khmer craft in the National Museum. In homage to Cambodia’s tragic recent history, we next visit the haunting Tuol Sleng Genocide museum. Phnom Penh has some excellent markets offering fine silks, spices and high quality lacquer work, providing the perfect opportunity to hone your bargaining skills.

This evening you will be entertained by a traditional Apsara performance, where talented silk-clad dancers will dazzle you with their graceful poise and intricate hand movements, originally designed to entertain the gods. We moor overnight, enabling easy exploration of the city late into the evening, where the bustling markets, teeming street restaurants and hawkers sell literally anything, enhancing the electric ambience so typical of the emerging Far East.

Day 8 : Chong Koh / Oknathey


Location: Phnom Penh, Chong Koh Village, Wat Phnom Daun Penh

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning we venture by bus to Kampong Tralach, discovering the charming monastery of Vat Kampong Leu Pagoda, renowned for its extraordinary beautiful frescoe wall paintings, located in the beautiful countryside in an area of rice fields.

We then continue to visit historic Oudong, the country’s former capital between 1618 and 1866, exploring the peaceful Vipassana Dhura Centre, a revered place of meditation, nestling at the food of Phnom Udong, a wooded hill with impressive Buddhist spiritual monuments towering above the rea, marking the final resting place of the Khmer Kings.

We return on board to Phnom Penh for lunch and in the afternoon we head to the hill Vat Phnom. Ascending the hill to 27 metres you see the picturesque sanctuary dedicated to Mrs Penh who gave her name to the city.

Day 9 : Upper Mekong - Angkor Ban

Location: Angkor Ban

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning we navigate to visit Chong Koh, a delightful silk weaving village, where we discover fascinating workshops. Then, back on board we sail on the Upper Mekong a naturally preserved area.

Day 10 : Wat Hanchey – Kampong Cham

Location: Krong Kampong Cham

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning we cruise into the heart of Cambodia which this vast river astonishingly changes its direction of flow between wet and dry seasons. A remarkable ecosystem here is home to 20,000 plant species, 1,200 birds, 800 of reptiles and amphibians, plus 430 mammals – with 1,300 new species having been discovered since 1997.

We arrive to Angkor Ban, one of the very few villages that survived and was not burned or destroyed during the Khmer Rouge period. We see traditional houses some more than a century and absorb the peaceful atmosphere where time stands still here as you witness a slice of Cambodian rural life.

Back on board we continue navigation to Kampong Cham, discovering this afternoon by bus the temple of Wat Nokor. This twelfth century Buddhist temple built on the ruins of an ancient temple is unique to Cambodia. 

Day 11 : Kampong Cham – Siem Reap

Location: Krong Siem Reap

Accommodation: Hotel

Accommodation Name: Four-star superior Borei Angkor Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

Early this morning our river cruiser glides to a final halt, berthed in Siem Reap at the head of this stunningly beautiful lake. We say our fond farewells to the splendid crew as you continue your exploration of Cambodia where you stay for three nights at the four-star superior Borei Angkor Hotel on the Privilege floor with breakfast. An all day breakfast is available upon check in today. The hotel is extremely comfortable with two restaurants, a pool and the Mudita Spa. The rest of the day is at leisure, you may relax, take a refreshing swim or enjoy the spa.

Day 12 : Angkor Wat

Location: Angkor Wat

Accommodation: Hotel

Accommodation Name: Four-star superior Borei Angkor Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

Today we see the haunting soft morning light over the eerie temples of Angkor. Encircled by verdant steamy jungle, shrouded in mist and with a tropical dawn chorus reverberating in the air, this is something you will never forget. We visit the huge, fortified 13th-century city of Angkor Thom with its five monumental gates and 91-metre wide moat; its centre contains one of Angkor’s most astonishing sites, the temple of Bayon. Crowned by over 50 towers, each with four colossal carved heads looking out in every direction, this is an extraordinary masterpiece of Khmer art. One of the most intriguing sites is the smaller temple of Ta Prohm which has been left in its natural, unrestored state, with giant tropical trees bursting through the ruins, their roots entwined like vast tentacles across the moss-covered, weathered walls and roofs.

Late in the afternoon we see the immense temple of Angkor Wat, one of the largest religious structures in the world. The main entrance faces west to catch the rose-red glow of the setting sun, a truly magical time of day.

Day 13 : Free Day

Location: Krong Siem Reap

Accommodation: Hotel

Accommodation Name: Four-star superior Borei Angkor Hotel

Meals Included: Breakfast

Our last full day in Cambodia is at leisure for you to enjoy the swimming pool and facilities of your hotel, or simply explore the excellent markets and restaurants of Siem Reap.

Day 14 : Return Flight


Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Accommodation: Overnight Flight

Afternoon tea (including a glass of wine or a cocktail) is available at the hotel this afternoon, in the Damnak lounge, before taking a late afternoon transfer for your flight to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) from where you connect with your return overnight flight to the UK. See Personalise Your Holiday for details of late check-out and afternoon tea.

Day 15 : Arrive Home


Location: Ho Chi Minh City

You arrive home.

Ship Details

RV Mekong Prestige II

Image Of Ship

One of the most popular river cruisers on the Mekong and operated by a French-Vietnamese joint venture, the RV Mekong Prestige II was launched in 2013 and features 32 spacious staterooms.

The décor is a fusion of contemporary Asian design with lots of polished teak, coupled with the intimate ambience and service of a boutique hotel. Just imagine yourself relaxing in the large plunge pool as the busy life of the river slips by or sipping a sundowner on the Sun Deck, leaning over the rail and being part of the ever-changing and fascinating life of the Mekong all around you.

Each stateroom features full-length panoramic sliding glass doors leading to your own private balcony. There is a luxury en-suite bathroom with shower, hairdryer and bathrobes, plus a writing desk, two armchairs with coffee table, personal safe and individually controlled air-conditioning. All staterooms are very spacious at 20 square metres (215 square feet) including the French balcony, and feature twin beds which may be pushed together to create a double bed. You have a choice of Upper Deck staterooms and Main Deck staterooms, as well as a small selection of suites as described below.

Ship Name:

RV Mekong Prestige II

Adults Only Areas:

no kids

Ship Children Facilities:


Ship Nursery:


Ship Size:


Ship Style:


Ship Type:


Ship Language:


Ship Capacity:


Ship Crew Count:


Number of Cabins:


Ship Launch Year:


Main Deck

Junior SuiteCabins

Sun Deck

Fitness CentrePlunge PoolSpa Bar

Upper Deck

RestaurantTerrace SuiteCabins

Each stateroom features full-length panoramic sliding glass doors leading to your own private balcony. There is a luxury en-suite bathroom with shower, hairdryer and bathrobes, plus a writing desk, two armchairs with coffee table, personal safe and individually controlled air-conditioning. All staterooms are very spacious at 20 square metres (215 square feet) including the French balcony, and feature twin beds which may be pushed together to create a double bed. You have a choice of Upper Deck staterooms and Main Deck staterooms, as well as a small selection of suites as described below.

Terrace Suites (Grade TS )

Terrace suites are 27 square metres (290 square feet) with facilities as the Junior suites and are located on the Upper Deck.

Staterooms (Grade TS SM )

Main Deck and Upper Deck staterooms are very spacious at 20 square metres (215 square feet), including the French balcony and feature twin beds which may also be pushed together to create a double bed.Each stateroom features full-length panoramic sliding glass doors leading to your own private balcony. There is a luxury en-suite bathroom with shower, hairdryer and bathrobes, plus a writing desk, two armchairs with coffee table, personal safe and individually controlled air-conditioning.

Staterooms (Grade SP SU SM )

Main Deck and Upper Deck staterooms are very spacious at 20 square metres (215 square feet), including the French balcony and feature twin beds which may also be pushed together to create a double bed.Each stateroom features full-length panoramic sliding glass doors leading to your own private balcony. There is a luxury en-suite bathroom with shower, hairdryer and bathrobes, plus a writing desk, two armchairs with coffee table, personal safe and individually controlled air-conditioning.

Junior Suites (Grade JS )

Junior suites are 24.9 square metres (268 square feet). Located on the main deck at the bow of the ship there is a larger balcony and the bathroom features a separate bathtub and shower. All other facilities are as the main and upper deck staterooms.

Bright and airy restaurant serving traditional Cambodian and Vietnamese cuisine and also a selection of Western dishes and local specialities


 The restaurant located on the Upper Deck is bright and airy with fine linen and excellent service, and can accommodate all guests in one sitting.

Local beers and wines served in the comfortable bar and lounge area.


More information coming soon

Souvenir Shop

Small boutique for you to purchase your special souvenirs


On our river cruises we love to take you right into the heart of each town or city you visit along the way, and during your cruise local guides will offer a variety of guided walking tours, panoramic coach tours and/or visits to museums and local cultural favourites such as a wine tasting in Burgundy and a train journey through the Swiss mountains. You will have a good mix of touring and free time to learn about the history and the little quirks of each place, with plenty of time to explore at your own leisure. Please check the itinerary of the cruise for more specific details.

Please Note: There are no dedicated kids/teens facilities onboard RV Mekong Prestige II

Small spa and fitness room offering a selection of treatments such as luxurious massage.

Tips are not charged at a set percentage and are not included in the holiday cost, as we understand that giving a gratuity should be entirely at your discretion.

As a guideline we would recommend giving €8-12 per person per day should you feel that is appropriate. Usually, an envelope is left in your cabin on the final evening, for you to drop off at reception, if you choose to, the following morning. The tips are divided equally between the crew.

Should you also wish to give a gratuity directly to your Riviera Travel Cruise Director and Concierge, this is also at your discretion.

Age Restrictions

For holidays other than cruises, we are unable to accommodate children under 9 years old at the date of departure. For cruises, the minimum age limit is 12 years old at the date of departure. We reserve the right to limit the number of children on any particular cruise. Any minor must be accompanied by and share a cabin with an adult aged 21 or over. If the adult is not the minor’s parent, a “Parental Consent Guardianship Form” must be signed by a parent or legal guardian prior to sailing.

Dietary Requirements

We cater for most dietary requirements, please ensure you contact the reservations team when making your booking.

Disabled Facilities

Our ships are not adapted for wheelchair access; if you are intending to take a wheelchair with you please contact us.Due to popularity of river cruising when there is more than one ship in port the ships could be moored alongside each other. If our ship happens to be moored away from the landing pier disembarking could involve walking across gang planks and the sun deck of other ships.River cruises operate with a smaller crew than ocean cruises and do not have the crew available to personally attend to passengers with reduced mobility therefore a travelling companion would need to be able to help with any physical needs.The itinerary we include with our river cruises involves shore excursions visiting places with cobbled streets which can be on an incline making navigation of these streets difficult for anyone with reduced mobility.Cruising down the Rhine, Danube or any of the European rivers we offer gives you the opportunity to take in the spectacular scenery and there is a lot to enjoy from the comfort of the ship. If you can’t do many shore excursions, river cruising in Europe can still be very enjoyable and worthwhile, please contact us with any concerns you may have.

Dress Code

There is no requirement to bring formal dress; smart/casual is acceptable for both day and evening as there is no dress code enforced. However men are requested not to wear shorts for dinner or vest tops at any time in the dining room. Men may wish to wear a jacket and tie for dinner. The Captain’s Dinner offers the opportunity, should you wish, for more special attire.

Laundry Service

A limited laundry service is available on board, except on the day of disembarkation. A dry cleaning service is not available.

Medical Facilities

If you have any concerns about your health whilst on tour, please see your Cruise Director or Concierge. They will be able to advise you about chemists and availability of doctors, etc. In an emergency you could always phone our emergency number as issued on your itinerary. There are no on-board medical personnel, although specific crew members will have basic first aid training. However, the ship can stop at any time to transfer any passenger requiring emergency medical attention to local medical facilities.

Smoking and E-Cigarette Policy

Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted anywhere on board except for designated areas on the sun deck.More and more countries in Europe are adopting a stricter legislation on smoking in public places. Smoking is not allowed on any public transport and there may be other restrictions in hotels, bars and restaurants.

Special Dietary Requirements

We cater for most dietary requirements; please ensure you contact the reservations team when making your booking.

What's Included

  • Accommodation

    Five nights bed and breakfast in four-star hotels

  • Airport Transfers at Destination

  • Fully Guided

    The services of a Riviera Travel tour manager

  • International Travel

    All flights as mentioned

  • Seven nights full board, including non-alcoholic soft drinks, local beer and local wine at mealtimes

  • Porterage of one item of luggage per person

  • All transfers

  • One day entrance and guided tour of Angkor

  • All shore excursions as described whilst on the cruise

  • Gratuities for the ship’s crew

What's Not Included

  • Insurance

  • Tipping and Gratuity

Check out our Q&As

  • Will there be an escort accompanying this tour?


  • Are flights included in this tour?

    All flights as mentioned

  • Are the local guides on the tour English speaking?


  • Are all the relevant entry visa’s included in the price of the tour?


  • Are children permitted to take part in the tour?

    For cruises, the minimum age limit is 12 years old at the date of departure. We reserve the right to limit the number of children on any particular cruise.

  • Will I know the names and details of all the accommodation before I depart?


  • Is there any free time to explore places during the tour?

    As detailed in the itinerary

  • What is the standard of the hotels on this tour?

    As detailed in the itinerary

  • Are airport transfers included in this tour?


  • How long has the tour company been trading?

    For almost 40 years

  • I have reduced mobility; can I still travel?

    We want to ensure you make the correct choice before you book your holiday with us. If you have any concerns regarding the suitability of the holiday due to reduced mobility we would encourage you to contact us to discuss these concerns

  • Do I require travel insurance?

    It is a condition of booking that you carry suitable travel insurance.

  • What is my luggage allowance?

    You will receive details of your luggage allowance with your final travel documents, which are sent approximately 10 days prior to your date of departure.

Reviews of this operator

David Clarke (Google Reviewer)  

This review is for the...


This review is for the italian Lake Como trip Aug 1-8 Wow what a trip. Riviera from start to finish were excellent the booking and help line answering questions were very good and clear. The travel booklet you get is laid out that it is simple to read and follow with step by step info from booking in to flights to meeting the guides. Our guide Matt Purse was just the best guide and real credit to Riviera with his knowledge and straight forward approach to running the trips. Matt kept us informed and told us all the sort of info you want to know without going over the top....This chap should teach other reps ..thank you so much. The coaches they use are all clean and well equipped with usb chargers and have aircon. The places chosen to visit were well researched even down to where coaches park or drop you off. The Bernina Express was the highlight for our family and matts photo tip was welcomed. The only down point was the hotel,a little dated and evening meal in main restuarant was a bit of a let down. I think we were lucky with our room on level 7 and with balcony as the walls are very thin and noise travels. We would book again with riviera

Barbara Shillaker (Google Reviewer)  

I have been on three...


I have been on three trips with Riviera Travel so far, with two more booked during 2024. Highly recommended. Excellent tour guides. Great program of visits. Great hotels used.

Julie Berry (Google Reviewer)  

What a fantastic holiday to...


What a fantastic holiday to Canada on the Rocky Mountaineer & Alaska Cruise. If you are thinking of booking this do it right now. From start to finish everything was great. The hotels, the transport and the cruise. The rep was absolutely fabulous. If you have ‘B’ as your rep you will make a friend. She is so full of knowledge. We went on this trip with strangers and left it as friends.

Mrs Bodnarec (Google Reviewer)  

Thankyou Riviera and all the...


Thankyou Riviera and all the staff on the William Wordsworth Danube River cruise. My husband and i have just travelled on the Danube to celebrate my husbands 60th and we had such a lovely experience. We were younger than most of the travellers but we met so many lovely people so this wasnt a problem. The staff were so lovely and professional. The service we experienced was so high. The boat was beautiful, the food amazing and the excursions were informative and well managed. I would definately recommend riviera as a company. In fact we are now considering their Japan holiday.

Valerie Pascoe  

We would go again in a heartbeat


Oh my goodness, what a relief it was to actually get away! Full marks to all at Riviera for keeping us up to date before our trip and for the help so cheerfully and patiently given with the extra admin that Covid brought our way. We felt totally safe with the measures taken on board, thank you very much for this. Without exception, Staff were fantastic and our every need was attended to. The additional Covid testing ran smoothly, organised by our Riviera Reps. The guided tours were most interesting: the guides very knowledgeable and more importantly, interesting to listen to. We loved this trip and would do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you again Riviera, you were FAB!

Chris Wilson (Google Reviewer)  

Second escorted tour with this...


Second escorted tour with this company. Did 5 days in Iceland tour. Everything went smoothly, excellent tour guide, Per. Extremely knowledgeable and interesting guy. Very friendly too. Highly recommend. Just let down by the room given at the hotel, but I guess the travel company doesn't have control over this.

Christine Hardy (Google Reviewer)  

Although most people seem to...


Although most people seem to book and pay for their holidays online, because we live close by we prefer to make a personal visit. In my opinion if they are offering this as an option they should be better equipped to accommodate visits in person. We have not been on our river cruise yet, so can't comment on that yet.

Norma Patrick (Google Reviewer)  

Recently went on a tour...


Recently went on a tour of the Deep South USA plus Texas. Before we set off on the trip we were informed that our trip On the Amtrak train would not be going ahead and we were given a £50 refund each. We were disappointed especially as there was no consultation beforehand and to only receive £50 each in compensation was poor. This was one of the reasons we had chosen Riviera Travel and may have considered another company had we been given the choice. Despite this we had a fabulous holiday, although we thought the tour guide was poor. There was no music played whilst we were traveling on the coach and when asked if more could be played we received a flat ‘no’. If we had relied on the tour guide all the time we wouldn’t have gone anywhere. However we ignored his comments that Nashville was ‘mad’ and went downtown and had the best night. All in all we had a wonderful holiday but it could have been better from Riviera Travel point of view. This is a very expensive tour and we thought the standard of hotels were very poor in some places. Probably would try a different tour company next time.

S BP (Google Reviewer)  

Delayed writing this review as...


Delayed writing this review as I wanted to see if my frustrations dampened but they have not and it gives me no pleasure to write the following. Have travelled with Riviera previously without issue, and in fact loved everything. However on the latest riviera cruise from Budapest the vegetarian food offering was way below par and indeed it was clear there were times they cross contaminated between veggie and meat/fish. Staff on the cruise seemed unable to improve the issues and indeed on occasion the attempt to say they were giving this full attention resulted in even worse food. On return my complaint was dealt with quickly and we were refunded what in effect would be the cost of the food element of the cruise without delay. There was no recognition however that the marketing references to fine dining were in fact misleading. The individual who dealt with the complaint mentioned more than once that she had tried the vegetarian food on another ship Riviera use (it's the same two week rotating menu all season across the fleet) and found it to be good; pleased to hear, that doesn't help me does it! And totally ignored the fact that on a cruise you can't exactly jump ashore to supplement your food if it is poor, which meant there were occasions I went to bed hungry as it was truly that bad or lacking in quantity and food is such an integral part of the trip when you are basically held captive. I even bought my own extras when ashore for the chef to add to my meals like smoked tofu which they had the audacity to present to me at the special chefs dinner as cheese they had sourced! Very poor complaint handling that lacked real empathy, did not address all the points I raised and we all know escalating to the ombudsman is pointless as they are a toothless shark. Pictures shown are a main course for dinner - Pad Thai that was actually rice sticks with carrot and pine nuts, two tiny samosas & lettuce while the non veggies had shrimp skewers that were apparently delicious and roasted vegetable pie that was two mm of chopped veg with an inch of mash in top! The cruise itself was lovely but completely marred by the food and Riviera have now lost my business.

Barbara Parkes (Google Reviewer)  

Presently in Croatia staying at...


Presently in Croatia staying at Arauana Hotel, supposedly a 4 star property, but wouldn't give it any star rating. Rooms are small and dirty. Wallpaper blistering. Meals served in a shed like lean-to. Food like warm, greasy and always self service. Second holiday with Riviera this year and neither at standard advertised. Have travelled with them previously and everything was fine, but standards have really dropped. Have booked a holiday with them next year and now dreading it. Certainly don't provide the standard advertised. We have never stayed in such a hovel and have visited youngsters in back packers accommodation which was far better than this supposedly 4 star accommodation. There are no indoor bars or lounges only a shed as a so called restaurant. Absolutely disgusting. Won't be boking with them again

Book with Confidence

  • Low Deposit

    Riviera Travel requires a minimum deposit of 500 GBP per person or the full booking value, whichever is less, with the final balance not due until 101 days before departure.

  • Cancellation Policy

    We don't charge a cancellation fee, here is a summary of riviera travel charges.

    Up to 101 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of deposit.

    At 100 days before tour starts: Forfeit 50% of booking price.

    At 60 days before tour starts: Forfeit 70% of booking price.

    At 30 days before tour starts: Forfeit 90% of booking price.

    At 14 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of booking price.

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